Aug 29, 2010

I think Jodi Picoult endorses antisocialism

Controversy is just part of Jodi Picoults job, it seems. Is there no subject she ventures from for fear of ridicule? I haven't read all her books, but I have gone through a fair few and a majority of them are confronting in one way or another.

Second glance was probably the least controversial that I have read so far. It is about ghosts, essentially. It was pretty cool though, had a whole cold-case thing going on. Still there are a few people that would look at the blurb of that book and think 'Wow this author believes in ghosts. Psycho.'

Vanishing acts is a little more confronting. A girl who has grown up and finds out her devoted father kidnapped her when she was young. He did it out of love, sure, but the fact remains that whatever verdict the jury comes to at the end of the book can be seen as the authors opinion. I won't tell you what the decision is, I'll just say this: Does the end justify the means, or not?

House Rules is all about being biased when it comes to drawing conclusions about someone when they suffer a mental illness. I admit it probably isn't the riskiest of subjects to discuss, no doubt someone with Asperges syndrome acts and is treated differently.

(Note: I just put down all the books I have read by her so far and plan to give them each a run through. Feel free to step away from your computer any time.)

Nineteen Minutes is definitely a controversial subject. I am sure I have mentioned a lot of these books before, but just in case you forget, nineteen minutes is the one with the kid that is bullied enough to come to school one day and shoot up the place. Saying that the kid has some level of innocence because of the bullying could offend anyone.

The Pact is probably the most intense and crazily realistic and heart wrenching book ever. If you would like a more detailed description of this book about suicide, scroll to my extremely long post near the bottom of the blog. Basically with the pact you have no idea weather to believe it was a suicide pact or if it was a murder. Pretty confronting stuff.

Keeping Faith is the one I read this weekend. Religion is about the most controversial subject you can get. The story is basically about a little girl that starts seeing and having conversations with God. This starts a whole lot of media attention for her family, and a lot of crazy happenings. If she had just seen God she would be marked as crazy. If she had just started bleeding spontaneously from the hands, her mother would be marked as crazy and abusive. The fact that she starts bringing people back from the dead kind of makes her marked as some sort of martyr.

Can't help but love a collection of great reads that make court drama way more entertaining than Law and Order makes it. Anyway that is my boredom and enjoyment of writing book reviews spent for one day.


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